Friday, July 8, 2011

★ Su chan falling in ♥ with Japanese Cakes & sweets! ★

Do you like Japanese Pastry???~

I would shout this to all of you!!~I Love JAPANESE PASTRY Much!!!~
More than western Cakes & dessert many many times up to infinity!!~hehhe~
Japanese is always take serious on the appearance of their Food.It's very obviously their cake is different from us ,right!

I draming of maybe one day in future I could open up a japanese style pastry house~
It's JAPAN's cakes & sweets(Kuih Kuih),Do you think it's Possible??
hahhaa~Let's keep this dream grow & growing~~

Ichigo daifuku ( イチゴ大福)
A variation containing strawberry and sweet filling, most commonly anko, inside a small round mochi. Creams are sometimes used for sweet filling. Because it contains strawberry, it is usually eaten during the springtime.

My dear readers,Seriously I fall in love with this sweets!~I couldn't get a chance to have this Japan,So,when I came back to Malaysia,I made this myself!
I'm so proud of my pastry skill!!~
I will make it next time again!!~

Are these cakes making you drool~~?
You know what?Cakes in Japan is expensive too,It's cost around RM15-RM20 to enjoy a small cake like all below.
I think it's still worth it!
Give a try when you visit to JAPAN!!~

Below is my collection for Japanese Cake!

I tell you what,Japanese like Ichigo(strawberry) very much!~
Pastry Chef love to decorate cake with strawberries!
Strawberry lover,you''re not gonna to miss it!!!

★ いちごの花(Strawbbery's Flower) ★
It's mean strawberry mochi!
Don't judge it by cover,It's very yummy instead!
You can get it in RT pastry house for RM4.50!

★Strawbberies pudding cake★

Macaroon!!~This is getting famous in Malaysia!

So Tempting,isn't it!
Don't forget to make visit pastry house into one of your To-DO-List when you travel in Japan!

To Be continue~~~

Penis festival in japan!~you're not gonna to miss this special festival in japan~‏

Hi,Guys,I'm back,so sorry for procastination!~I am not going to post about my Day 5 in Osaka ,Japan because it's really take time for me to post up pictures and the story.But,I won't give up just that I need some times.Pheww~~Meanwhile,I wanna share a special festival in Japan which I found it very special!~Yet,I never heard of this festival from my japanese friend.Maybe,I will clarift from them soon.Or you can tell me,whether not it's a true festival!

In Japan there are two special festivals to worship the penis. The first one is Kanamara Festival. It is an annual Shinto fertility festival held in Kawasaki, Japan in spring. The exact dates vary: the main festivities fall on the first Sunday in April

The Kanamara Matsuri is centered on a local penis-venerating shrine once popular among prostitutes who wished to pray for protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

P/s:At first sight,I thought The lady was holding her baby~OPPS!!is phallus instead! it's consider smaller phallus in festival,Yet,it's still a large phallus la!
The second one is considered The world largest Penis Festival, it is called Hōnen Matsuri (豊年祭) (Japanese for Harvest Festival) is a fertility festival celebrated every year on March 15 in Japan. The most well-known of these festivals takes place in the town of Komaki,just north of Nagoya City. Hōnen means rich harvest in Japanese, while a Matsuri mean a festival or holiday. The Hōnen festival and ceremony celebrate the blessings of a bountiful harvest and all manner of prosperity and fertility.

P/s:The bell at Shimei's temple is made with a penis shape!!

Phallus candies are available for sale!


Souvenirs in the festival!

If u touch phallus represent for festival,it'll bring u fortune!!

Seem like they have so much FUN riding on it!!

Too young to enjoy this event ~
The baby seem unwilling to sit on the phallus~~

To Be Continue~~~~

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Gonna start my 3 weeks life in Japan laa!~\(^o^)/


I just realized that I never inform my readers that which part of Japan I'm going la~about My Families in Japan la~

hahhahaha~Let's see!~I'm going to OSAKA,JAPAN!~
Hmm,let see what I know about this city.

1.The 2nd largest in Japan!
2.Youth exchange student,Kousuke Moriwaka、浩介that hosted by Meng zhen is from Osaka,大阪 too!He is a very funny 19 years old Boy!~He is studying in Comedy school in Osaka,Pretty Cool,right!He said he want to become comedy star in the future!hehe=D
3.Osaka Japanese's speaking slang is rather bit different from other Japanese!
4.Comedy is hyper super famous in Japan!~
5.Osaka is the KITCHEN of Japan!

1st Host Family
My 1st Host Family is Mr.Yozo Horie.I have not much information about Mr.Horie as I haven't receive Host family letter yet.Anyway,I'll be staying in his house from 19/12/2010 until 28/12/2010,approximately 10 days!Oh yea,which mean I'll be celebrating Merry Christmas with Mr.Horie & his Family.It's gonna be my 1st time celebrating the birth of Jesus in foriegn country.So exciting!!
Mr.Horie stay in大正区o~It's very near to Osaka City

2nd Host Family
My 2nd Host Family is Mr.Hideki Wakabayashi.
Mr.Wakabayashi is from Nishiki,Osaka.He has total 4 persons in his family.Let's check out them in Japan later!hehe
The 1st time Mr.若林 replied me in mail was that He was so suprised of my ability in writting Japanese.hahhaa~of course,I've invest money in learning japanese.
I always think that if you can speak fair or even a Little bit Japanese with your host family,I believe it's gonna to make your Japan life very very easy.Especially ,you can share more thing with them,about yourself,your life & etc without any communication barrier!~~~~^_^~~~ Japanese Language is also very interesting though=)
Ow ya,I'll be staying in Mr.Wakabayashi's house from 28/12/2010 until 8/1/2010.It's approximately 10 days too!~
This time I will be celebrating New Year 2011 with Mr若林 &his family.Ya,it's a new experience for me again.
I'm really can wait for it!hahhaO(∩_∩)O~
Tada..This is where Mr.Wakabayashi based.

San Shines In Japan with Love♥