Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the SAN shines before leaving to JAPAN!~

Well well.it's great to start all over again~
This Gonna be my 2nd blog in Blogspot.
So,Welcome to my Susan Shines In Japan.teehee*
Overall,I created this just exclusively to share about my coming 3 weeks life in Japan to everyone that who would like to listen a blogger's special exciting travel story to Japan.I hope that I manage to write a blog per day to share my everyday YE experience over in Japan.I promise I'll always keep this updated,well well,maybe until the day I return back to M'sia.Ha!~(^o^)v

Travel isn't just a tons of photos to be uploaded in Facebook.Somehow,I feel that it's just a big failure to reach your happiness/life experience to your audience.You would never know that how readers are hunger for your sharing of life experience over in the whole world.
Gilbert K. Chesterton once said:The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.Honestly,I want to become a traveler.
Out of the whole world ,there is millions of interesting/weird things that we never seen before or heard before.There is over 195 countries on our mother earth,yet some "unknown lands" are waited to be discovered.Don't you feel excited to explore your mother earth?I'd like to be the first to raise up my hand!
~( ^_^ )/

I really thanks to My Good Lord who made this real.I really appreciated that the miracles that My Lord has done to me.Amen,Lord,You're just an awesome God!
I always proud of my parent.They're such a successful parent I ever met.Both my parent haven't reach 40 years old in 2010,yet,could raise up 7 children by providing their children a good condition to live,study,etc in the past 20 years.I would like say,ba,ma,you're just Awesome& Amazing!When I told them I wanted to take part in Lions Club's Youth Camp& Exchange to JAPAN to gain some precious life experience,they neither answer yes or no.Yet,I know,they supports me very much.真的很感谢~I wouldn't want to take things for granted,not even once.I'm a blissful child.

Again,over here ,I'd like to show my gratitude from my sincere heart to my lion advisor,Lion Kenny.Thank you very much!Lion Kenny.I didn't know how much the effort you'd put to make me to successfully take part in this Lions Club Japan Youth Camp & Exchange programme,but,I appreciated all the effort you've put.YES!I do.I also want to show my appreciation here to those people around me that who help me to realize this.It's not easy journey until I got it.I know.a BIG Thank you,my friend.I Know you're reading it.=)

Honestly speaking,participating in Youth Exchange program is one of my dream to be achieved in my life time.This dream may look micro small in your eye but this is my DREAM,and YES!I'm achieving it.hooray!

Well Well,Hope this is good starting!~
God bless with Love,Amen

A traveler,San shines ,to write down what she had done,seen,heard,feel,touch & spoke in the country she love the most-Japan.♥

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